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Cheriton Bishop and Teign Valley Practice

The Surgery, Yeoford Road, Cheriton Bishop, EX6 6JA

Branch Surgery - The Surgery, Layne Fields, Christow, EX6 7NY

tel: 01647 24272


Patient Participation Group

Contact: 01647 24272

Chairperson: Amanda Vooght

Secretary: Di Bowden

Practice Manager: Sharon Gavin-Jones  

Jean Martin - Cheriton Bishop 

Paul Mitchell - Cheriton Bishop

Natalie Baker - Cheriton Bishop

Phyllis Taylor - Christow 

Sarah Strong - Crockernwell 

Caryn Tripp - Cheriton Bishop

Our PPG has been set up to establish a system of communication with all registered patients in the practice, so that their views and constructive comments can be fed back into the practice.

Our key tasks are:

Members of the PPG will always maintain confidentiality when relating to patients.

Getting in touch with us:

Talk to any of our group members, or email via the practice generic email

We also have a box for our patients to use which is located in both surgeries at Cheriton Bishop and Christow for any comments and suggestions. These boxes are emptied regularly and a member of the PPG, or Sharon the Practice Manager, will make contact to help resolve any issues which may arise.

Document Downloads

PPG (pdf)