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Cheriton Bishop and Teign Valley Practice


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Patients are advised to have annual and 6 monthly check ups for diabetes. We have a recall system and so you should be invited to attend these appointments. Please find below a brief summary of what this entails.

Annual Review

Each year you will have an Annual Review. You will have the blood test taken one week beforehand and we will ask you to take an early morning specimen of urine. The blood test does not need to be fasting and will be for: blood sugar control, cholesterol, kidney and liver function. It is important to get the best out of this appointment so give some thought to any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.

The annual review appointment takes about twenty minutes and will be with your practice nurse. If you are testing your blood it is important to bring your records with you to show the practice nurse. The results of your blood and urine tests will be discussed with you also your treatment to ensure that you are taking it correctly and not getting any side effects or problems. Your blood pressure, weight and height will be measured and your feet and footwear examined.

The annual Review is a good time to ask questions and agree some goals for your self-management plan for the coming year.


Most patients should be monitored again after 6 months. This is usually done with the practice nurse, and again blood tests are required a week before.

Your blood pressure and weight will be measured. Again your home monitoring record is always useful. Some patients need to be seen more regularly and your practice nurse will always tell you when to make your next appointment.

You can always see your GP or practice nurse between these appointments if you are having any problems. It is important to keep your appointments even if you are feeling well.

Retinal Screening (Type 2 Diabetes only)

Every year you will be invited to have a retinal photograph. This usually takes place at the surgery. Your vision is checked and drops inserted into the eyes; a photograph is then taken with a digital camera which will be examined by the ophthalmologist and the results reported to your GP. The digital photographs can be enlarged to show a lot more detail than a regular eye examination. Your vision will be blurred and sensitive to bright lights for several hours afterwards so you will not be able to drive home.


All people with Diabetes are advised to have an annual Influenza and a single Pneumonia vaccination.